Starting early in the 19th century, Australia began to be pock-marked with pitiful pits of mining disaster.

These often wreaked havoc and leaked much chemical pollution into the once-pristine Australian soil and waters.

Then in the 20th century we began to witness the materials from these mines being incorporated into human nuclear weapons, that were sometimes used against the Australian environment, by the old imperial colonial powers of Britain and Sovietopean-dominated North America.[1]

Now, the World Resource Gluttons actively plan, participate and undertake to further rape pillage and plunder the outback of Australia and nearby kindred lands and islands for even more minerals, in what could be the most destructive mining boom in history.

NOMINESA is associated and works with the anti-nuclear and anti-war industries to help ensure that mindless manic mining in Australia does not happen and that fruits of the most dangerous of these mines, such as nuclear weapons, are never allowed to damage Planet Earth further.

Come to pro-environment anti-nuclear pro-peace anti-war events and rallies and chances are we will be in contact with You and yours, if You are interested in radical conservative true conservationist action and ecodefence principles.

[1]the "genius" of the nuclear movement in North America was spawned by "genius" refugee scientists and financiers who fled anti-communist Europe in the 20th century and/or who sought a "better life" from the communal boglands of Soviet-ruled West Asia

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