The News World Order, headquartered in New York City, including its Syndicate organised crime octopus, used their puppet(s) in Australia, and especially South Australia, to generate News' media enhanced approval for the worst mining disaster ever created on Earth : the Olympic Dam Nation TOXIC RADIOACTIVE project.
The Olympic DamNation Expansion will "generate revenue" in the form of:
The Olympic DamNation Expansion will "generate revenue" in the form of:
- 9 BILLION TONNES of radioactive waste left on the surface of the land forever
- 8 MILLION TONNES per day of radioactive tailings, leaking its deadly toxicity into the underlying rock and aquifer of the Central Australian Great Artesian Basin
- 19 THOUSAND TONNES per year of Uranium exported for use in slow-release nuclear bombs ("nuclear reactors") such as the ones at CHERNOBYL and FUKUSHIMA
- a TWELVE PERCENT INCREASE in South Australia's total noxious carbon emissions ("greenhouse" gas emissions)
- 42 MILLION litres of precious underground water extracted daily from the Great Artesian Basin
(GAB) FREE OF CHARGE in the driest state on the driest continent of Earth, causing DEATH of desert mound spring oasis life systems - a HYPERSALINIFICATION ("desal") plant at Port Lowly in the Upper Spencer Gulf of SA, threatening a myriad of natural shallow water dwellers such as the Great Australian Cuttlefish, who have used this same area for millions of years as their primary breeding ground. (Increased chemicals will also pollute the Spencer Gulf since salty plants require use of hazardous chemicals in their conversion process, in addition to vast amounts of expensive energy to convert the precious sea water into stolen "fresh water")
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