07 November 2009

Environmental Impacts to Mining

To Mine is No Mind

Here is a short list of the Environmental Impacts to Mining.

It has been constructed in response to BHP plans to create the planet's largest uranium mine at Olympic Dam, near Roxby Downs, South Australia, thereby transforming Planet Earth into a toxic radioactive dump where creatures everywhere would suffer life long illnesses due to damage to DNA, and other tragedies such as having to always Puke because of Nukes.

Environmental Impacts to Human Mining

  • Train Wrecks (derailments, crashes at crossings, sections of track removed or displaced to include any very long sections of track that would not be humanly possible to remove on short notice)
  • Truck Turmoil
  • Earthquakes (caused by Nature to make NoMind mining much more difficult)
  • Docking Disasters
  • Shipping Shipwrecks
  • Celestial Cops (OVNI's or UFO's)
  • Vicious Violent Weather
    • Radioactive Dust Storms
    • Wind Weapons (freak winds that cause damage to attacking humans)
    • Terrible Tornadoes
    • Hellacious Hurricanes
    • Catastrophic Cyclones
    • Twirling Typhooons

  • Social Upheaval (race war, commonplace murderous murder, assault anywhere, blame-shifting to White People)
  • Nuclear "Accidents" (temporary as elimantion of nuclear perpetrator race reduces nuclear danger)
  • No Economy (world race war will end all economy)

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